Neglelakmærket Mentality Nail Polish bliver beskyldt for at føre ubehagelige skader med sig. Det skriver Seventeen.
Flere kvinder har den seneste tid lagt billeder og beskrivelser på sociale medier efter at have brugt den populære neglelak, og det er helt tydeligt, at deres negle er ødelagte.
Mange skriver, at de har udviklet såkaldt onykolyse, som betyder, at deres negle simpelthen løsner sig fra neglelejet. Andre beskriver en brændende fornemmelse.
Billederne på Instagram taler deres eget tydelige sprog.
19 Oct 2015 (2 months after) Onycholysis on my toe nails by mentality nail polish. It is still painful. #mentalitypolish #mentalitycosmeticsinc #mentalitynailpolish #mentalityburns
Et billede slået op af @manaslu_80 den
18. Okt 2015 kl. 10:31 PDT
March 3, 2015. I didn't take a lot of photos because I honestly thought something was wrong with ME and I was completely and totally embarrassed by them. I had no idea what was going. Neither did the Drs. I had been struggling with this since Sept2014. Creams, subsequent infections, lost a thumbnail, lifting nails that got so bad I couldn't even wash my hair (cutting them short didn't totally prevent them from catching and pulling back more). It was a terrible time for me. #mentalityburns Please see previous entry for new information. **what you see here is the damage just before it began to lift again. It hurt. Beyond words. They would swell, blisters would form under the nail itself, eventually pop, ooze junk and the nails would be lifting at that point. Reaction time seemed to be a couple days after exposure that you really noted something was going wrong.
Et billede slået op af Just...Amy. (@spilledmilknails) den
20. Okt 2015 kl. 12:43 PDT
Yes I know it is not a pretty picture but it is the ugly truth! We will get to my nails in my next post. First I want to address what I am holding...this is the new Intesive Treatment Cuticle Oil Pen by @nikkirosebathbody that was sent to me to try. I can't tell you much yet but I can tell you it smells wonderful!!! So for the next 3 days I will be doing a hydration challenge with this new product. Everyday at the end of the day I will be taking photos of my nails so we can see any changes or improvements. So no painting of nails either which is totally ok with me right now. As you can see I am still trying to get through the damage that was caused to my nails from using my @mentalitynailpolish Neon Jelly Holo collection. So stay tuned as I update my progress at the end of everyday. This photo has been taken before my first application. I have also photographed my right hand as well and will show both hands because they are both in different stages of healing from the faulty base damage. Please go check out this product and everything else she has in her store at @nikkirosebathbody. #cuticleoil #intensivetreatmentcuticleoil #nails #nailcare #nikkirosebathbody #nailstagram #nailsofinstagram #nailsailsbyme #healyhynails #3dayhydrationchallenge #mentalityburns
Et billede slået op af Diane (@dmm_nails) den
22. Aug 2015 kl. 2:35 PDT
#mentalityburns Mentality nail polish, the gift that keeps on giving. Last night I noticed my nails have lifted again, following the really bad flare up I had in October. I have been using a fab oil by @amcosmeticsco but no matter how good the oil is, the damage was already done prior to me starting to use it. The oil has done wonders with my skin though and made my nails grow really well! To hide it, I painted my nails (top right) with OPI DS Glamour... but today I could see the ridges all day and decided to clip my nails off as low as needed and start afresh (bottom right). If I don't post for a while this is what's going on. #nakednails #nubbins #fuckeduphands
Et billede slået op af Em's Little Corner (@emslittlecorner) den
25. Nov 2015 kl. 10:22 PST
Virksomheden bag Mentality Nail Polish har reageret på klagerne ved at love, at alle kunder får refunderet deres penge.
Samtidig kalder de kvinder, som har oplevet de ubehagelige bivirkninger, for 'sensitive', hvilket blot har kastet yderligere brænde på bålet. Se hele firmaets svar på klagerne herunder.
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Important: If you experience any sensitivity to our polish please discontinue use. Please reach out to us at info@...
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Mentality på
22. juli 2015
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