Hun bliver ved med at mobbe de kendte - de nyeste billeder er sjovere end nogensinde

Marie Milling

430 uger siden


Det er sjovere end nogensinde.


Celeste Barber er efterhånden noget af en stjerne på nettet.

Masser af Instagram-billeder og Facebook-opslag hylder det perfekte, men det er som om, folk mangler mere af det modsatte.

Barber viser med al tydelighed, hvor skøre billeder, der bliver lagt på internettet fra kendissernes profiler.

Hun viser en anden skønhed, som også handler om humor, selvtillid og selvironi (og kendisironi).

Det er blandt andet Kim Kardashian, Mariah Carey og andre giganter, som bliver taget under kærlig behandling.

Se de nye billeder herunder: 

When you're this hot you just sleep in your swimmers cos you know when you wake up you're going to be calling your assistant to come and take photos of your bad self. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #leamichele


If this isn't sexy, I don't know what is. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #caradelevingne #ladygarden


Congrats #blacchyna on having a baby and showing us the importance of drinking at a beach with a drone. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #blacchyna #robkardashian


Stay focused. Nothing's out of reach, you guys. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #alexisren #alexisonfire


#PFW // #IRL \n#celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #kimkardashian #balmain


Just wanted to clear that up. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #beyoncé #notbeyonce


#trainlikeanangel? Fuck that! #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #victoriasecret #irinashayk


The glamorous life of rubbing people's faces in what they don't have. Jet lag is a bitch. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #mariahcarey


Something makes me think Kim's milk was warmed. And yes, my #hothusband knows how lucky he is. #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #MILFMONEY #kimkardashian #fergie #celesteonellen


L- Supermodel comfort food. R- Comfort food.  #celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #bellahadid


Chrissy-Hey babe, ready for the shoot!\nJohn- um, where are your clothes?\nChrissy- What do you mean?\nJohn- I thought we were doing family photos to give to our parents? \nChrissy- Yep we are.\nJohn- Right, so why am I dressed in the clothes you laid out for me and you're COMPLETELY NAKED? \nChrissy- It's not hard darling, you dress nicely and I'm looking banging 6months after having baby so I'll sit above you COMPLETELY NAKED. \nJohn- Right, it's a bit weird. \nChrissy- Weird, or inspiring? \nJohn- I'm going to stick with weird. \n#celestechallengeaccepted #celestebarber #funny #chrissyteigen #johnlegend #hothusband


Sometimes you've gotta put on your daughters swimmers and show the world what you're packing. #celestechallengeaccepted #funny #celestebarber #jlo #jlobooty