Hun løfter ting med skeden: Nu rejser hun jorden rundt med sit trick

Jens Simonsen

10 år siden




Kim Anami er en kvinde med mange titler og talenter. Hun er sexcoach samt meget andet, men mest af alt er hun kendt for sin evne til at løfte ting med sit underliv.

Det har hun nu haft så stor succes med på Instagram, at hun er taget på en lille verdensturne, hvor hun vil løfte ting, der er særlige for det sted, hun besøger.

Indtil videre har hun løftet en doughnut og et surfboard i Los Angeles, samt bananer og ramputans i Bali. Magien foregår ved, at hun binder objekterne fast til et jadeæg, der er placeret oppe i skeden.

Hvor turen går hen næste gang for tusindkunstneren vides ikke, men hun kan følges under hashtagget #ThingsILiftWithMyVagina.


#thingsiliftwithmyvagina The LA Series With donuts. These gluten-free, coconut-sugar sweetened, organic donuts—suspended from the depths of my vagina—are from Cafe Gratitude. The Maple and Coconut Bacon ones are insane. #glutenfree #healthyeating #vegan #sugarfree #coconuts #thingsiliftwithmyvagina #vaginalkungfu

Een foto die is geplaatst door Kim Anami (@kimanami) op

Jan 16, 2015 at 1:20 PST  

#thingsiliftwithmyvagina The Bali Series Lifting rambutans with my vagina. In the rice paddies. "Rambut" is Indonesian for "hairy." This hot red fruit has little green hairs on the outside of it. Inside is a fleshy, sweet fruit. It all sounds like a sexual metaphor, doesn't it? #thingsiliftwithmyvagina #tropicalfruitsiliftwithmyvagina #vaginalkungfu

A photo posted by Kim Anami (@kimanami) on

Jan 21, 2015 at 6:40am PST  

#Things I Lift with My Vagina New year, new vagina. It’s that time you’ve all been waiting for: Vaginal Kung Fu 2015. The free video series is up, as a preview to the upcoming 8-week salon. If you haven’t watched them yet, you can sign up for access. Link in bio. In celebration of this year’s salon, and to raise vaginal power—and pleasure— awareness globally, I have embarked on a new campaign: #thingsiliftwithmyvagina This educational challenge features me traveling the world, lifting objects indigenous to various regions, with my vagina. Stay tuned for my vaginal adventures. This is me in Venice Beach, with my special new surfboard carrier: my vagina. #thingsiliftwithmyvagina #vaginalkkungfu

Ein von Kim Anami (@kimanami) gepostetes Foto am

Jan 2, 2015 at 3:55 PST  

#thingsiliftwithmyvagina The LA Series. Yo! I lift weights too. With my vagina! At Muscle Beach in Venice, lifting with the Muscle Up Kings. They were super impressed with my mad skillz. If you didn’t know, the world record for vaginal weight lifting is 31 pounds, held by Tatiana Kozhevnikova, from Russia. P.S. You might be (justifiably) distracted by the eye candy in this shot—don't miss the weight between my legs. #thingsiliftwithmyvagina #vaginalkungfu #vaginalweightlifter

Een foto die is geplaatst door Kim Anami (@kimanami) op

Jan 9, 2015 at 7:40 PST  

#thingsiliftwithmyvagina The LA Series. One of my favourite restaurants on the planet is Cafe Gratitude in LA. Fully organic, with many gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian items. Great smoothie and juice bar too. I Am Divine is my favorite cold-pressed juice ever. Apple, lemon, ginger, beet. #thingsiliftwithmyvagina #vaginalkungfu #yoga #reversewarrior #hydrationmakesgoodlubrication #juice #coldpressedjuice #nutrition #drinkyourveggies

Kim Anami(@kimanami)張貼的相片 於

1月 6, 2015 at 3:16下午 PST 張貼